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New MexiCare

New MexiCare Stories: Lizabeth Gallegos + Catherine Felson


New MexiCare provides financial assistance and training to caregivers who are assisting friends or family members with daily activities due to physical or cognitive limitations. The goal of the program is to allow older adults to thrive in their homes and communities as an alternative to nursing home placements and to help reduce emergency department visits.

New Mexico residents, except those who live in Bernalillo and Dona Ana counties where the program is not currently in place, may be eligible for funding to pay caregivers for home care services.

Eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • Applicant must be age 60+
  • Have cognitive or physical limitations requiring assistance with two or more activities of daily living such as: feeding, dressing, personal hygiene, incontinence, toileting, and/or ambulating (walking)
  • Monthly Income Level
    • Up to $3,387/Mo for Individuals
    • Up to $6,774/Mo for Couples
  • Resource Limits (total for savings plus checking accounts)
    • Up to $20,322/Mo for Individuals
    • Up to $40,644/Mo for Couples

What do I need?

Documents that show who you are

A current driver’s license; government issued ID

Documents that show how much money you earn monthly

3 months of bank statements (checking and savings)

Documents needed from caregiver

A current driver’s license; government issued ID; Social Security Card

Documents needed for transportation

Copy of vehicle registration; copy of vehicle insurance

How do I apply?

Interested individuals may apply online by clicking here:

Apply Now


✓ Complete application


✓ Upload documents we need from you

Other Ways to Apply

Interested individuals may also apply by contacting New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department at 1-800-432-2080 and select Option #4

✓ Complete application via phone

✓ Email documents we need from you to


Step 1: Apply for New MexiCare

Step 2: Complete Home Visit

Step 3: Complete background check

Step 4: Complete required caregiver training

Step 5: Approval

Complete application online or via phone at 1-800-432-2080 and select Option #4


Gather required information, complete in-home assessment

Caregiver completes background check

Caregiver completes 6 hours of online training per year

ALTSD notifies participant and caregiver of start date


I need help. Where do I start? Call us. 1-800-432-2080

Need help? Click here to call us. 1-800-432-2080

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