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Senior Centers & Adult Day Care on Path to Reopening

June 28, 2021

Senior Centers & Adult Day Care on Path to Reopening...


Senior transportation programs make it possible for individuals who no longer drive and do not have access to public transportation to obtain rides for essential trips, such as medical appointments, shopping and other activities. The availability and type...

Healthy Aging

We are committed to promoting activities that are designed to maintain or improve physical and mental well-being, maintain independence, and build knowledge and skills that enable older adults to make informed choices about lifestyle and health issues. We ...


Is a federally funded program that enrolls trainees who are paid minimum wage for twenty hours per week. These trainees are placed in not-for-profit or governmental organizations, known as host agencies. Host agencies work with their assigned trainees to p...


New Mexico’s four Area Agencies on Aging, or AAA’s, administer, plan and support community based services for individuals 60 and older, or age 55 and older in tribal programs. Most of the services coordinated through the AAA’s are provided at the local lev...

News & Events

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Meals & Nutrition

Congregate and Home-Delivered Meal programs are offered in most areas of the state, based on available funding and in accordance with program requirements....

Public Records Request

By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect public records of the New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department. The Act also makes compliance with requests to inspect public records an integral part of th...

Policy and Planning

The Office of Policy and Planning consists of strategic priorities, plans, processes and actions, which guide the overall direction of the department for providing accessible, integrated services to older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers....

New Mexico State Plan on Aging and Public Hearings

The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department sought public comment through May 19, 2021 on its proposed State Plan on Aging for the period of October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2025....



Resource Library

Resource Library...


HATA Courses...

Healthy Aging Training Academy

Healthy Aging Training Academy (HATA)...

Capital Outlay

The Capital Projects Bureau (CPB) is responsible for coordinating the funding and administration of capital projects under the statutory authority of the Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD)....


Aging Network Development TIPS Training...


Job Opportunities...

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